Sunday, May 27, 2007

Individual Action

What can we do to reduce the CO2 Level?

If you look around yourself you will find many things that are producing the CO2 in the UAE. For example: there are many families that have more than one car. There are also some cars with 6, 8 or 12 cylinders that use a lot of fuel, why we are using these cars and we have the ability to use cars with 4 cylinders. There are also many things in the UAE that produce the CO2 such as vehicle emissions, industrials emissions and fires in houses. We can avoid this problem with unit together and take this problem seriously. We also have many simple choices to reduce the CO2 such as using bicycle or walking in the winter season, using cars with small engine and using the public transport.


Mohamed AL Zaabi said...

good picture because the best solution to reduce global warming is using buses.

eighty eight Smoking Accessories said...

looooooooool Eid

I think it's good to use cars with 4calenders, but I don't think that you will use it ^_^ because of the low speed in these cars.